Author Archives: Club Admin

  • Merry Christmas

    2008 Christmas Party including a very intense gift exchange…

  • Hero’s Cup Finalists

    Congrats to the 2009 mini legends for working hard and coming in second in the Hero’s cup!

  • Hero’s Cup Champions!

    Congratulations to the 2012 boys team for coming in first place in the Hero’s cup!

  • Rome is selected for West Region ODP team

    Shout out to Rome Kramer from the Ignite 08B Orange team for his selection to the USYS West Region ODP team. November 6-10 Rome will travel to Florida to represent Ignite, UYSA, and the West Region at the Interregional Camp hoping to get an invite to participate in the ODP National camp. Good luck Rome!!

  • 2003 Boys Challenge 2013 Boys to a scrimmage

    The 2013 Boys joined the 2003 Boys training session today which ended in a scrimmage. This is how youth sports programs teach young boys to become young men. The 2013 Boys were on cloud 9. “Thank you Coach Cody and IGNITE ‘03 for letting us join you tonight!!! I need to warn my parents there …

  • Pool Party

    Ignite Club Pool Party! This Friday from 5-7 at the St George City Pool. For all club members and their families.

  • Labor Day Cup Champions

    Congrats to the 2011 boys team for coming out of the Cedar City tournament on top! This team only got scored on once during the tournament. Great work boys!! Pizza party with the 2011 boys team during the Labor Day cup. Before heading into the championship game on Monday

  • Park City Extreme Cup Finalists!

    Congratulations to our 07’ boys team for taking silver at the @parkcityextremecup

  • Fire FC Memorial Cup Champions!

    Congratulations to the 2011 boys for coming out on top in the Fire Cup this weekend. These boys worked hard and came out with gold.
