Author Archives: Club Admin

  • 2013 Girls Teams lead by example

    2013G teams also played one another today. Since we are all one big pool of players and not teams competing against one another, we divided teams evenly and played. Girls had lots of fun. How many times have we seen bad blood between teams in competing clubs? Not at Ignite! Great Job Coach Moose and …

  • RSL Discovery Academy selections

    Big congratulations to Jaxon Ewing and Colter Cameron from our 2011B team who were selected to participate in the RSL Discovery Academy after recently competing in a tryout with the best players from Utah and a few other states. It is believed that these are the only boys from Southern Utah who were selected to …

  • 2013 Girls – Finalists Park City Extreme Cup

    After a 3-3 tie for their last pool play game, the 2013 Girls ended up playing the same team in the champrionship and ended as Finalists. Coaches Steve, Josh and McGaren continue to lead the charge

  • Ignite 2011 Boys dominate at the Park City Extreme Cup

    Champions has become pretty commonplace for this group of boys and coaches. Leading thier group with all wins. Great job boys and Coach Brian and Coach Landon

  • 2014 Boys Park City Extreme Cup Champions

  • It is with heavy heart that we announce

    To our Ignite family and friends: It is with heavy heart that we announce, Rachael Beckstrom one of Ignite’s founding members has lost her battle with cancer. We express our most sincere condolences to the Beckstrom family. Her courage, fighting spirit and gratitude will continue to strengthen us as we continue on. We love you …

  • 2022/2023 Club Fees

    For the 2022-2023 season, club fees are set at $190.00 per player. Below is an explanation of what is included in the club fees: Included with Fee The Club Fee covers items for the coach, for the team and some club administrative items. New this year is the inclusion of field fees. All teams will have access …

  • 2022 Tryout Schedule

    Location: Sullivan Soccer Complex Field 4 (look for the Ignite FC banners) Address: 965 S Washington Fields Rd, Washington, UT 84780 Tryout dates and times are divided by birth year. Please see your child’s birth year below to determine when your tryout time segments will be. While not mandatory we recommend your child attends all scheduled tryout …

  • A special night in support of the Beckstrom Family

    Come support the Beckstrom Family tonight! Wear black or teal in support of cancer awareness! Senior night starts at 7:00!
