Author Archives: Club Admin

  • Ignite FC 08 Boys Take Second Place

    Our u11 Boys take second place in the 2018 Park City Extreme Cup Silver Division. Win over Alliance FC 2:0 Win over Wasatch BW FC 3:1 Semi-Finals Win over Rayados FC 2:1 Final Loss to Wasatch RR 3:5 This was a great tournament in which the boys played amazing. We just ran out of gas and …

  • Kits are here!

    We have ordered the kits and they have arrived We will be handing out kits very soon. Please have your child try them on to see for sizing discrepanies. We will have a short window to work with exchanges if we need to. Also we will soon have the ability to offer more non-mandatory kit …

  • 2018-2019 Club Fees

    EXPLANATION OF CLUB FEES Ignite FC believes it is important to be transparent about fees being charged to participate in the club.  For the 2018-2019 season, club fees are set at $200.00 per player. Below is an explanation of what is included in the club fees:   DESCRIPTION OF FEE AMOUNT Kit Fee (2 tops, …

  • Parent Code of Conduct

    As a condition of the minor child’s participation in Ignite FC, I agree to strictly comply with the Ignite FC Parent Code of Conduct. That Code of Conduct is as follows: I will refrain from coaching my child from the sideline of any match, training, academy activity, or other official Ignite FC event. Instead, I …

  • It’s Official!

    We are now officially Ignite FC We are officially announcing that we are a legitimate club. We will have many other announcements soon. We are excited for this new venture and look forward to a bright future.
