Author Archives: Club Admin

  • 2023-2024 Ignite FC Highlight Reel

  • 2024 Tryout Schedule

    Location: Sullivan Soccer Complex Field 1 (look for the Ignite FC banners) Address: 965 S Washington Fields Rd, Washington, UT 84780 Tryout dates and times are divided by birth year. Please see your child’s birth year below to determine when your tryout time segments will be. While not mandatory we recommend your child attends all scheduled tryout …

  • 2024-2025 Club Fees

    For the 2024-2025 season, club fees are set at $195.00 per player and $163.00 per Highschool bracket players. (a $5 increase from last year due to increased field fees.) Below is an explanation of the club fees: Included with Fee The Club Fee covers items for the coach, for the team, some club administrative items and field …

  • Boomers Academy is back!

    After a few very successful camps last year, we are excited to announce we are back Is your little one new to soccer? Do you have a younger child that plays with older siblings waiting for the day they are old enough? Want to jumpstart your little ones soccer career? Your Elite Soccer Experience starts …

  • 2023/2024 Club Fees

    For the 2023-2024 season, club fees are set at $190.00 per player and $158.00 per Highschool bracket players. Below is an explanation of the club fees: Included with Fee The Club Fee covers items for the coach, for the team and some club administrative items and field fees. All teams will have access to the best available …

  • 2023 Tryout Schedule

    Location: Sullivan Soccer Complex Field 1 (look for the Ignite FC banners) Address: 965 S Washington Fields Rd, Washington, UT 84780 Tryout dates and times are divided by birth year. Please see your child’s birth year below to determine when your tryout time segments will be. While not mandatory we recommend your child attends all scheduled tryout …

  • 2022-2023 Ignite FC Highlight Reel

  • Welcome back Paco Lobato and his Spanish League coaches

    Ignite FC is excited to announce that Paco Lobato and his team will be back in the US this summer. They will be running special training sessions for Ignite FC and Rebel Elite players only. Please mark your calendars for the week of June 26th – June 30th. There will be one 90 minute training …

  • Ignite Boomers Academy begins

    Day 1 was a huge success! Thank you to Coaches Andy and Holly and their team of trainers. The smiles on these Little Boomers say it all. Excited to see their progress as the camp goes on. If you have a little one sitting at home, sign them up. They will absolutely love it. Camp …
